Poet's Feather

Which is Better: Website Development vs. App Development for a Small Business

Small businesses are increasingly seeking tech solutions, with common searches like "website development near me" and "app development cost" rising. Deciding between website and app development is crucial. Both serve to enhance brand awareness, engagement, and operations, but each has distinct advantages and drawbacks. Websites are cost-effective, SEO-friendly, and widely accessible, while mobile apps offer enhanced user experience, immersive features, and offline access. Codepoet helps businesses navigate these choices to ensure scalability and success.

Web vs App Development

Small business owners across the globe are racing to claim their stake in highly competitive internet real estate. It's no wonder that search queries such as "website development near me" and "what does app development cost" continue to skyrocket in popularity year over year. However, one inquiry in particular remains at the forefront: which is better for a small business, website development or app development?

Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technology while keeping your company afloat may seem daunting, especially if you're contemplating the benefits—and drawbacks—of implementing custom solutions. Thankfully, at Codepoet, we're your partner in all things tech-related, and we're here to demystify common misconceptions and help you better strategize your business needs and goals.

Today, we'll explore the differences between mobile app and website development for small- and mid-sized companies. We'll compare the advantages with the potential drawbacks to help identify the solution that will most effectively enable your business to experience continued scalability and success.

Mobile App Development vs. Web Development—Which is Right for You?

At a primary glance, web and application (or app) development serve similar purposes. They spread brand awareness, encourage engagement with a target audience, facilitate internal operations, and enable many foundational processes integral to conducting business. Forbes recently reported that 71% of companies had a website by 2023, and over 28% of all business activity occurs online.

So, which is best? Well, as each business is unique, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. App and web development are two powerful avenues with critical distinctions, but when implemented shrewdly and strategically, they can both lead businesses down the path of success.

Let's explore each approach in greater detail to discern their differences. By carefully assessing each solution's capabilities, identifying your business needs, and weighing the benefits against the drawbacks, you're guaranteed to find the perfect fit.

What is Mobile App Development for Business?

App development refers to the design and building process of an application for use on an operating system or platform. Mobile app development focuses on apps for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Note: Since mobile apps continue to increase in popularity, many people drop the word "mobile," preferring the brevity of "app development," instead. It is beneficial to recognize that app development can refer to applications beyond mobile use—though, mobile apps are the most common.

Thus, in line with the primary consideration of this article and the prevalence of the latter jargon within the industry, we'll use both phrases interchangeably when referring to mobile apps for a small business.

Benefits of Mobile Apps for Small Businesses

  • Enhanced User Experience: Optimized for mobile use, apps allow businesses to offer a more customized, seamless, intuitive UX. Research shows that in the eCommerce sector, users view 4.2 times more items on an app than on a mobile website.
  • Immersive Features: Direct access to the GPS, microphone, camera, and other device features enables businesses to provide employees or customers with a more dynamic experience (such as augmented reality, two-factor authentication, and location-based services.) This can facilitate productivity, drive conversions, or deliver enhanced support.
  • Competitive Edge: By emerging in the mobile app market more quickly than competitors, offering enhanced features, or increasing productivity, business owners can establish their brands as leading experts within the industry.
  • Personalization: Considering user profiles, device data, and other valuable app features, creating a personalized experience for customer segments within a mobile app often proves less complex than creating one when developing a website. As a result, mobile apps customize a user's experience, resulting in significant benefits.
  • Increased Engagement: A study by e-Goi reports that mobile users open about 90% of push notifications. So, companies that leverage this unique-to-mobile feature can expect a massive increase in user engagement.
  • Offline Access: Mobile apps can enable partial or full offline access, facilitating customer features or internal employee operations in settings where internet connectivity is low or nonexistent.
  • App Store Presence: As competition among websites and uncertainty regarding SEO continues to increase, a company's presence on the app store can prove valuable in reaching new customers.

App Development Considerations

Mobile app development for small businesses has considerable benefits that can enable companies to scale their operations quickly and steadily. However, carefully weighing the following considerations will ensure you make the most informed, beneficial decision. 

Mobile App Development Cost Breakdown

When small businesses begin to consider a customized app, one of the more common questions we receive is, "What does app development cost?" Due to the inherent complexity and often increased development time needed to create a unique app, the cost tends to run higher than that of a straightforward website.

However, the final estimate depends upon the intricacy of a project—a straightforward mobile app might very well cost less than a highly involved website. At the end of the day, sustained commercial success is contingent upon a thorough review of both the up-front cost and long-term ROI.

Mobile App Development Platform Fragmentations

Mobile apps are specific to the platform for which they're designed, so making an app available on both iOS and Android requires starting the design and development process for each operating system from—essentially—the beginning.

Platform fragmentation is a crucial consideration, especially within industries that target a broad audience, such as eCommerce. Businesses that need an internal mobile app may choose one operating platform consistent with company-provided technology, thus negating the issue altogether. However, a service provider or consumer-facing enterprise has a serious decision to make—management must weigh the risks of alienating a customer sector against the investment in app development for multiple platforms.

What is Website Development for Small Business?

Website development refers to the process of designing and building a website. It can help a small business emerge on the market, scale operations, and compete with influential brands.

Did You Know: The power of a robust website is becoming increasingly apparent—the same Forbes report mentioned earlier indicates that 43% of small business owners plan to invest more in their websites' performance.

Let's explore why this is the case.

Benefits of Web Development for Business

  • Cost-Effective: Developing a website is not as complex as creating a mobile app. Plus, with the prominence of DIY website builders and platforms, websites often require fewer resources and take less time. These factors contribute to a lower cost for web development.
  • Platform Compatibility: A well-developed website should work in any browser on any up-to-date device. While optimizing a website for browser compatibility and desktop/mobile responsiveness is still crucial, developers don't have to worry about the much more significant platform fragmentation issue mentioned earlier.
  • Extensive Reach: Websites enable businesses to reach billions of users worldwide with, often, a single click. Current and new users can access any website from a browser they use daily—without navigating to the app store or installing any software.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): When properly implemented, SEO is a powerful tool that works "behind the scenes" to drive organic traffic to a site by improving its ranking on SERPs, or search engine results pages.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Often, websites seamlessly integrate with third-party products and software, offering enhanced operations and valuable features.
  • Powerful Analytics: Robust—and free—analytics reporting tools (such as Google Analytics) provide comprehensive data and website performance insights, enabling small business owners to make informed, data-driven decisions.

How Much Website Development Costs for Small Businesses

Website development costs range depending on the project scope, site complexity, functionality requirements, design needs, and developer expertise. However, web development is generally a less significant investment than app development.

Start-up owners tend to have incredibly strict budgets. Thankfully, website development is flexible, so business owners can start small and upgrade their websites as their businesses grow.

Pro-Tip: Having a website as a small business delivers many benefits and, in most industries, is virtually essential for growth and credibility in today's tech-focused world. If you're curious about how the development process works, check out our recent deep-dive into the topic, here.

App Development vs. Web Development—How to Determine Which is Best for Your Business?

One company's "right" solution may vary wildly from the next. When trying to determine the most suitable tech solution, business owners benefit from taking the time to:

  1. Analyze Company Objectives
  2. Evaluate User Needs
  3. Identify Pain Points
  4. Establish Short-Term Goals
  5. Create a Long-Term Strategy

By balancing the five points above with budget and timeline requirements, you can identify the best solution for your business.

Are You Searching for a Website and App Development Agency in the USA?

Still unsure how to maximize your online efforts and scale effectively? Perhaps you're nervous to take the leap from website to mobile app, or you simply want a pair of fresh eyes to look over your current site.

At Codepoet, we're your technology partners, ready to use years of industry expertise to find the most optimal solution for your business. Reach out today for a no-obligation consultation.